Past Lives and Past Life Regression

I was watching a show on past lives and past life regression and I want to discuss it with you all. They were saying that unexplained irrational fears can be connected to tramas in your past life.

For example, this lady had a fear of dolls. She couldn’t be anywhere around them so her daughter isn’t allowed to have them. She went to daycare to get her daughter, walked in the door, her daughter was dtanding in the middle of the room with a doll. She could not touch her daughter as long as she was holding the doll.

This doctor took her into a regression session where she was able to connect two things. The first was that in a past life she was in a car accident with her children and she died hearing them screaming for help. The second thing was when she was a baby she had to stay in the hospital so they put a doll in with her. She could hear babies around her crying without being consouled. She connected the crying babies to her previous children and with the doll being the only thing she could see, she connected crying babies to the doll.

Thus dolls brought back the fear of leaving her children.

During the regression she was able to see that her children weren’t killed and that they were ok so now she has peace in that area. I found this so interesting and wanted to know your thoughts on this past life thing.

Only Love,


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