Real Talk… How to Keep Your Man Happy (Part 2)

Feed Your Man

     Ladies, if your mother didn’t teach you how to cook, now is the time for you to learn.  You need to know how to cook a healthy well balanced meal and you need to do it on a regular basis.  Get some cookbooks, you can start Patti LaBelle or Bobby Flay.  Also try it has some great recipes from many chefs.  If you watch the Food Network Channel on television, they have many shows that will demonstrate how to prepare meals.  Remember I told you in Part 1 you might think I’m being old fashioned.  Well I do believe the man’s job is to provide for the family and the woman’s job to take care of the family.  So if you’re a stay at home mom and your man is providing all the financial support, certain things in your life fall under the category of things he just shouldn’t have to do.   He shouldn’t have to work all day then come home and cook dinner, wash the clothes and clean up the house.  On the other hand, if you have to help him do his job, then he needs to help you do yours.  So if you are working outside of the home and helping to support the family financially, these chores should be shared. 

     As for planning and preparing the meals, you should do as much of this as possible.  High blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and other diseases are plaguing our families and can be prevented and controlled with proper diet.   Even if you have a man who isn’t picky about the food he will eat, you should still make sure he’s eating healthy meals.  I know we love to eat our pork, but it should be eliminated from your family’s diet altogether because unhealthy is an understatement.  If you must eat beef, it should be limited to a maximum of once per week, because it takes that long for it to get out of your digestive system.  Use fresh poultry, fish, vegetables, fruits and herbs as much as possible.  If you use canned foods, do not cook them in the liquid from the can.  Pour that liquid out and rinse the contents off.  High levels of sodium are added as a preservative and rinsing it will keep you from ingesting it.

     If you plan your meals at the end of the week for the following week and make sure you get everything you require from the grocery store you will have everything you need each day.  Avoid purchasing fruits and vegetables for more than the upcoming week as you want to make sure they remain fresh.  Each morning review the meal you planned for that day and if you require something in the freezer take it out so that it will be thawed by dinnertime.  Do whatever it takes to make meal planning work for you.  Men like to know that when they get home there will be a hot meal waiting for them or served within a reasonable time.  If you are not required to work outside of the home, there is no excuse for dinner not being ready when your man gets home.  Manage your schedule, the children (if you have them) and your housework in a manner that allows you to make this happen.  Even ask him to call on his way so you can make sure his meal is hot.

Real Talk:  If you won’t cook for your man, there is some other woman more than happy to make a nice home-cooked meal for him.

Only Love, ~M2


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